Sunday: I recommend having the shopping done or shopping early this morning. For breakfast most mornings you will make a smoothie. There are two options for the basic smoothie. The ingredients on your shopping list are for recipe 1 and the recipe is written for 1 smoothie. The autumn smoothie is a different recipe for mid week.
When you start making food first make meatballs. They will be for lunch today and other times throughout the week. Marinate the chicken for tonight (and you will marinate and cook chicken for lunch tomorrow also. The recipe is adjusted for this.) Make some antipasto skewers or tupperwares with cherry tomato, artichoke, basil and olives. I also recommend making the turkey burgers so you don't have to tomorrow night. Also prep all ingredients for the gumbo in a ziplock freezer bag. If tomorrow morning will be hectic when you're making salad for dinner make enough for tomorrow’s lunch, but don't dress it. Monday: Today should be easy if you prepped lunch and dinner yesterday. Don't forget to pack dressing with your salad for lunch. Tuesday: You can put the gumbo in the crockpot in the morning or a lunch if you want. Wednesday: You can try the autumn smoothie this morning if you want to switch things up. You can also add some ground flax to this smoothie if you have them. At dinner feel free to eat all of the eggplant to fill up. You don't need leftovers. Hoping this cures any cravings for Italian food! If you don't like olives you can leave them off. I would top them with fresh basil. Marinade chicken for tomorrow. Thursday: With the chicken at dinner you can have salad and any leftover veggies or leftovers from the week you won't use. You will be cooking an extra chicken breast for tomorrow's lunch. (1 large or 2 small). Friday: The chicken salad recipe uses a mashed avocado with 1 large or 2 small chicken breasts and spices. Saturday: You will finish the sausage next week. For stir fried veggies you can have any extra veggies: cherry tomato, onion, garlic, spinach, bell pepper with a little cumin, little cinnamon and salt or any seasonings you want. You could also make a smoothie to split. For dinner make sure to not put too much oil on the squash or they will get soggy. |